
Monday, February 23, 2004

Murphy's law

On Saturday evening, Mark let me know that the washing machine was not working right. He had started a load on Friday, but forgot to tell me there was a problem. So, his clothes were sitting in dirty water overnight--the spin cycle was not working. Fortunately we have service plus on the washer, so I called Minnegasco and they will be out tomorrow. Meanwhile, I was bailing water from the washer and wringing Mark's clothes by hand before putting them in the washer. Then on SUnday, I did five large loads of laundry at the laundromat. It was interesting being a minority there--there were mostly Asians, hispanics and African Americans there, all speaking their own language or variety of English. It was a great cultural experience.

It lowered my blood sugar, too--I was so busy hauling clothes from various washers and dryers--by the time I got the last load in the wash, the first load was ready to go in the dryer. I thought I'd get some reading down while I waited, but no such luck. Fortunately, Tim drove over and helped me pack up the last loads, still damp, but at least the dryer works.

Oh, and I bumped my head on an open dryer door (the top one). Maybe it will knock some sense into me and remind the kids not to wait to do all their laundry on Sunday.

Till next time,



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