
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I am going back to school!

I'm now registered for The Post-Secondary Teaching Certificate program at Bethel University Graduate School. I'm signed up for my first class, The Teaching Craft. I just printed out the 10-page syllabus for this five-week class (meeting 8:30-4:30 on Saturdays). 

The class is pre-loaded, meaning I need to complete reading assignments by the first day of class (Feb. 6). Four chapters in one book, two chapters in the second, three chapters in the third, chapters one and two in the fourth. Also, think about the following: "How does your perception of faith fit with author number one? Who was the most effective teacher you every had? Why? What made her/him effective? Metaphorically, what role does the teacher play?

No written assignments due the first night. Whew. Good thing I like to read! I'm hoping the fourth book comes soon--I've already received the first 3 from amazon.com.

I meet with my advisor (the class instructor) tomorrow night. I'm trying to decide what to wear. Something teacherly looking?

For sure I'll have my reading glasses handy.

Till next time,



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