
Monday, August 18, 2003

Back home again

I am still enjoying memories of our weekend on the North Shore. As Raven (our dog) and I walked by Crystal Lake, I was aware of how small it was compared to the great Lake Superior whose shores we had just visited yesterday. I appreciate this vast source of water more since we haven't had much rain here for over two weeks. Our poor lawn could really use a good drink.

One of the incredible things we observed on our weekend away was the sky. Mars is shining closer and brighter than it will again in our lifetime, I guess, and we managed to pick out the blinking pinkish planet above the trees on Saturday night. Later, after playing a board game, Tim and I and the kids headed down to the lake to see the moon rising and the stars shining. Venus was in the eastern sky, glowing like a beacon.

Poor Mark is sick again with a bad throat (read, doctor's visit again), so he was up early in the morning. He had been sleeping in his cousin's cabin on the floor, and decided to bring his blanket and pillow back to a camper bed for some better rest. But on the way, he stopped down at the lakeshore to watch the sun rise over the mighty lake. He even walked down to a little creek flowing into the river, and carefully balancing his bed gear, he walked on stones across to the other side and back again.

God's creation is so vast and marvelous--it is good to take time from our busy lives to enjoy his handiwork and praise him for all his good gifts.

Till next time,


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