
Thursday, August 14, 2003

Driving again

Well, I think God is trying to teach me not to be so proud and depend on myself (or my husband) so much for everything. It's okay to ask for help once in awhile, and people are often happy to be there. Dawn picked me up and we went to lunch, picked Adam up, even stopped by the girls' soccer field till we found out that Inga had a ride home, ran errands, etc. Then I had to find another ride for Inga and me to get to the soccer dinner, but that all worked out, too. The car was fixed by early evening (but not in time to get to the dinner), and the starter was under warranty, and I had a $10 coupon for labor! Hurray!

So, today, I was a bit calmer when I found out the turn signals were not working (and I thought the radio, too, although I had just failed to find the power button on our new fangled radio/cd/cassette player--sometimes too much technology is not a good thing!). So, I stopped back at the service station, and the manager looked at the van, and found that a fuse had gone out. So, he replaced that on the spot and just charged me for the part (under $6.) It turned out to be just a coincidence that the fuse had gone out after they had worked on the car, so I lucked out. Tomorrow we are going camping for the weekend, so it is good that the turn signals will be working!

God is good, even when I am whiny. Thanks, God!

Till next time,


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