
Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Wandering parents

Most people worry about their kids--when they get sick, when they venture out on their own as they take their toddling first steps, as they grow into teenagers and drive away from home for the first time--as parents wait up late for the young person who has violated curfew.

I don't worry too much about my kids (well, I don't think I do, but they are always saying, "don't worry, mom......."), and I have been up at night waiting for them, including exchange students. But I find myself worrying more--well, maybe that's not the right word--anxious--concerned? about my parents who often slip away undetected, when I think we should have radar on them as well as on my own kids.

Most young adults have parents who are fairly stationery, who are predictable for the most part, who can be reached at a moment's notice. Mine were chomping at the bit from the moment my younger brother (the baby) left home for college. They were off to overseas work for GE--first to Saudi Arabia (???!!!), then to Egypt, and finally to Romania.

I have to say, however, that even though they were not always easy to reach, we did have many benefits from their overseas travels--gifts from exotic places, fun pictures to view, and the best gift of all--our daughter who was born in Romania while my parents were there, and they (especially Mom) did all the work to get her safely to our arms here in Minnesota.

They've had a tough year, now, with my Dad's diabetes causing some difficulties, such as eye problems (corrected with surgery), and then the need for a pacemaker for Dad as well. Also, my Dad's younger brother was diagnosed with brain cancer and passed away earlier this month. The funeral was on my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.

So, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to receive an e-mail from them last night stating that they were off doing their honeymoon reunion tour--up to Niagara Falls and round about that part of the country. After all, they had planned this trip before my uncle became very ill at the end. Now, they are enjoying old memories--memories made before I was even a glimmer in their eyes.

So, even though you didn't e-mail me a specific itinerary before your trip, you deserve the privacy and all the joy of travel back down memory lane and relive those wonderful years, as you enjoy the blessings of this stage of life, as well. We all love you and hope you have a terrific trip--even if we kids (well, maybe Cheri knows......... ;) ) don't have a play by play of all your plans.

Till next time,


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