
Thursday, April 14, 2005

An unusual act of kindness

At the office, I give directions to people every day. They only come down to the tax office once--or maybe twice a year, so many people need refreshers. But yesterday I got a call from an elderly lady, who was in the neighborhood, but was confused about how to arrive at our office. She was calling from a gas station, and I spoke with the person helping her there, and felt satisfied that she would direct her to the right place.

I was surprised to see both of them arriving a few minutes later. This person had taken the time to leave work and have our client follow her to our office. She was concerned enough about her to make sure she got where she needed to go--and cared enough to make the extra effort.

Our client followed someone who was leaving when she was, so she could get home, too. It is so refreshing, during these stressful last days of the tax season, to see someone so genuine and kind. I'll try to exhibit a portion of that kindness in the work these next two days.

Till next time,



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