
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busier and busier

Well, last Wednesday evening I got an email asking if I could lend some administrative assistance for the class I'll be teaching in a couple of weeks. Turns out Academic Affairs is short-handed right now, and they offered me overtime. So, I accepted! I worked quite a bit over the weekend and this week I'm working long hours as well. The bulk of it should be done by Monday, when we have our all-day faculty/Teaching Assistant orientation. So far I have yet to purchase gifts for those who've taught 10 and 15 years, organize a team to collate printed materials, and seek assistance to mail merge over 500 documents.

I've read reports, created spread sheets, made phone calls, submitted requests online and via fax. I did enjoy a bit of a break. Today Bethel had an ice cream social sponsored by the president's office. And we received a 2.5 percent raise.

Also, I helped Tim find keys to a house he's working on--apparently the only set!

It's been a productive, good day.

I'm beat.

Till next time,



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