
Saturday, September 13, 2003

Sports mom

Well, today I got up at 6:15 am (it is Saturday, you know) just to get my daughter and her friend to the other side of town for their first volleyball tournament. So, I didn't have time to blog this morning. I stayed for the game (the first set of three--is that called a set??? I'm new to this organized volleyball stuff) and then went back home to pick up our exchange student from her soccer game. I stopped at home for a little bit, and my husband called wondering if I could pick up Mark from the job he and Luke were helping him with, cause he was anxious to get home. So, I picked up Mark and we caught the tail end of Inga's soccer game.

It was their first victory, so everyone was very excited. A couple of Inga's friends were there, so they wanted to take Inga and a couple of other girls out for ice cream to celebrate. Since these friends are nice kids, they invited me, the old mom, to tag along (never mind I was the mode of transportation--or that was the original plan. Turns out Inga ended up spending the afternoon with them.) Well, anyway, it was fun to spend some time with the teenagers and another mom came along too. I had only one scoop of chocolate mint ice cream (watching my blood sugar, you know) while the others enjoyed malts and sundaes with all sorts of stuff on them.

Then, turns out Mark didn't have to rush home after all--the concert he was going to play at tonight was cancelled. So, even though my whole day was planned around transporting kids and it was after all not really that necessary, I still enjoyed spending time with them. And Mark got in some valuable driving time--now that he's completed Behind The Wheel, he hasn't spent that much time practicing driving.

So that was good. And being with teenagers is good too, and a bit refreshing to spend time with them outside the house. (Away from the mess they--and maybe I?--sometimes create.)

Till next time,


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