
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Trees are budding, grass is greening...

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Tim and I enjoyed the day by driving around town to various houses on the Minneapolis/St. Paul Home Tour. We went to a house I had seen on TV--one with a Flintstone theme in the basement. The room was filled with Flintstone memorabilia: and an episode played on TV. We got a chance to take the Flintstone trivia quiz--eventually we were able to answer five questions correctly and won a chocolate Flintstone sucker.

Did you know the Flintstones were going to be called the "Gladstones" till the last minute? Hard to think of Fred as a Gladstone. Here are questions we answered correctly: What was Fred's boss's name? What TV sitcom was the Flintstones based on? What is the name of the town in South Dakota that appears in the Flintstones? (and has a Flintstone something or other there I believe?)

If I remember others, I'll let you know..and I'll give you the answers soon, too!

Fun, fun fun, yaba daba doo!

Till next time,



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