
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Not much chance to blog...

Haven't really had a chance to blog this week. Students are back on campus after spring break; at one of my jobs we are gearing up for a data migration and at the same time checking to be sure spring registrations have taken place for students--and also helping students who are doing last minute changes.

On the other side of the hill, we are working on getting a new faculty member to replace one that is leaving, we are gathering material to promote our department for prospective students, and I've been working on the website and helping a faculty member mail out his latest book.

Evenings have been taken up with work, book club, art gallery showing of a professor's daughter (very enjoyable) and tonight, celebration night for our last evening of Bible study for this spring.

Today I took Christina to get a new permit--she had misplaced her old one, which had her birthdate wrong anyway, so it was time to get it taken care of. I had just assumed she would be getting her driver's license any day now, but that hasn't happened yet (it has to do with money and insurance--something Christina and Tim are working out).

We have a wedding on Saturday and three family birthdays next week. Easter will be coming up after that, so it will be nice to have off Good Friday and reflect on the meaning of that "Holy Day" and remember and celebrate The Resurrection on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the grass is greening even as temperatures have dipped a bit (that is, from 81 degrees a few days ago). I thought I heard snow in a forecast on the radio, which is discouraging, but I'm sure it will only be a few flurries if it even comes to pass.

Then again, you never know what to expect in Minnesota.

Till next time,



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