
Thursday, July 08, 2004


Last night was weird, because our boys were both home before ten, and Christina wasn't home till about midnight. She was over at a friend's, watching a movie, and the mom brought her home around midnight.

I couldn't easily fall asleep, though she wasn't far away and we know the family very well. Plus my feet were tingling again--darn neuropathy. I must have dozed off just before she got home, because she said she closed our bedroom door and I'm sure I would have heard that if I'd been more awake.

At Cornerstone, bedtime is irrelevant. The first night was hard to sleep, because the kids came back around midnight and sat up talking in our camper. After that, sheer exhaustion sets in--and besides that, we were up late too, taking naps here and there during the day. The festival seemed to go fast this year--it was shortened by at least a day--and of course I spend a lot of my time worrying I won't have enough food for my family and any who might join us (there's always somebody--one year it was a guy we met from England, this year it was Christina's friend Robin who graced our table). But God provides.

I guess I'll catch up on sleep when the kids are grown and gone. We've almost got one out the door--two to go?

Meanwhile, I'll savor the sound of the car pulling up in the driveway and the front door closing for the final time at night.......and wait for the time to be ours again, when Tim & I are the ones who lock up at the end of the evening.

Till next time,



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