Memory lane
This morning Tim and I attended two lectures that Bethel was sponsoring for alumni who wished to attend on this homecoming weekend. Since we are planning to go to our class reunion (25 years!) tonight, we decided to check out the lectures held this morning, too.
It was weird, but fun, to grace the halls of the place I called home for four years of my life--a place where so much of my adult life and values were shaped. A lot is the same, but much has changed, too. We ran into some old classmates--and I found out that the editor of the Bethel Clarion who got me on staff as a sophomore copy editor is now teaching business at Bethel. We swung by the office of our friends' son who is a computer technician at Bethel now. He wasn't in, but we read his funny Dilbert cartoons and left a note on his white board.
The presentation at one of the lectures was power point--so different from our days at Bethel. The next one was on an old overhead projector--so we felt more at home there. Both presentations were excellent--and Tim ate up being back in an academic environment. He really should be a teacher--he loves learning, lecturing, feedback and discussion so much.
Tonight will be more reminiscing at our class of 1980 dinner. I guess I wouldn't want to go back to those days, but I'm grateful for my college years, for all I learned during that time, and the people who shaped my life. I'm especially grateful for the sacrifice my parents made for me to go to a Christian college for four years. Now, 25 years later, I am finally working in a field that suites my major. Thanks Mom & Dad!
Till next time,
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