
Monday, September 19, 2005

Back to BSF

Tonight will be my first evening class at Bible Study Fellowship--we are studying Genesis this year. I hope I can stay awake at this time of day! I'm used to morning classes--from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. This is from 7-9 pm. It actually started last week, but I was in Chicago (eating Greek food downtown) so I had to miss it.

My discussion leader called last night--she sounds very nice. I wonder if it will be different going to a class with mostly working women--maybe everyone will be very professional like. In my day class there were a lot of moms of preschoolers, because they offered a class for preschool children (they studied the same Scripture we did each week!). The evening classes are for women (or other classes for men) and their school age children. I'd love for my kids to go with me, but after going to a Christian school all day I suppose they won't want more Bible study at night (when they have their own religion homework). Still, it's a very good program.

I got my lesson in the mail and I finished it yesterday. So, I'm starting off okay. This week I'll try to get an earlier jump on things. (I say that every year.) My first challenge will be staying alert--didn't get to bed till late and woke up pretty early.

Till next time,



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