
Friday, February 24, 2006

An icky day

I wanted to use another word for "icky" in the title, but decided against it. We had e-mail woes up the wazoo at the office yesterday. My e-mail worked fine, thankfully, but two of the guys on staff were having trouble with e-mail continually scrolling and scrolling and old e-mail from months ago--sometimes long deleted, rearing its ugly head again and again. I was on the phone five times with our server, trying all different things, including installing and re-installing Netscape. Nothing really helped.

Then when I got home I checked e-mail. Everything okay. But later in the evening when I checked it, I couldn't get it to open at all. Thankfully, this morning it opened and everything seemed fine.

Yesterday, I left work early (no, this was pre-planned--the kids had conferences.) I decided to meet Mark at the driver's license place to renew his license (he is turning 18 after all!) since the drivers license renewal place was close to school. However, we did not have his SS number. (I think now Mark has it memorized.) So, I called Grandma, (who has our tax records) but there was no answer. I called Tim's cell, thinking maybe he was on his way to his mom's. Nope--he was at a drywall job. I was beginning to panic. Then I thought of calling Jeff's office, because he has Tim's business records and therefore Mark's number as an employee of his company. But just as I was talking to Dawn (Jeff's wife, my s-i-l) Grandma beeped in with the number. Hallelujah! Mark did the vision test, got his picture taken, and we were on our way.

Conferences weren't too bad, in fact, pretty good. I was able to catch all the teachers without waiting in long lines and was out of there by 5:30. They all had good things to say about the kids.

Now I'm at work waiting for techies to come (to the tune of over $200). They just called for directions here. So, even the techies need to ask for help now and then. I just hope I gave him good instructions...

Till next time,



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