
Saturday, October 04, 2008

It's October!

Well, October is here, and just as the evening frost is giving some relief from his allergies, I've come down with a cold and sore throat. I've been gargling salt water and mouth wash, sucking on lozenges, drinking lots of fluids. Hopefully it will be better soon!

Today Raven and I encountered a stray dog--or at least a dog without an owner. It's hard for me to do anything when I see a dog except try to keep out of its way when I've got Raven. This morning, however, a green mini-van driver stopped to pick it up and try to find the owner. It was walking along a busy street, so we were worried it would get hit by someone. Hopefully this story will have a happy ending!

It's a beautiful, crisp fall day! This morning is the non-public schools marathon, and we encountered lots of folks and young children and more dogs participating in that. Tomorrow is the Twin Cities marathon--I think they will have good weather for that, too. We're about a week away from peak of the fall colors, but there are some beautiful trees around.

Last weekend was a nice get-away. The trees there are beautiful. Luke went horse-back riding for the first time, and on the next round of riders, a rider fell off the horse Luke had been on. She (the rider) was galloping on the horse and pulled up on the reins and little too hard and quickly. The horse abruptly stopped, but she kept going. Fortunately, it seemed like she was only banged up and bruised, although she thought here tail bone might have been broken.

Well, I'm going to try to take it easy today to get rid of this cold. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Till next time,



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