
Saturday, November 01, 2003

Surviving Halloween and etc

Well, Halloween is come and gone. We only had about 6 groups of trick or treaters at our door. Our kids didn't go out in the neighborhood this year, so our neighbor hand delivered goodie bags with their names on it to them here. Christina had 4 friends over (including two boys) so in between supervising them and getting the door and trying not to nibble from the candy dish, it was a full evening. The kids watched Shrek and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and went for a walk (but not trick or treating).

I found out on Thursday (two days ago) that Christina had a Twin Cities Arts Festival today, which involved her being in a choral judging at 9:10 this morning. At 11:30 pm last night one of her friends called to see if she could get a ride. Mark (who had 4 friends spending the night) intercepted the call, and she called back this morning as Christina was in the shower. Not really allowing enough time to pick up the friend, I agreed to do it anyway and we were only about 5 minutes late.

Then, they had to be back for a practice at noon, and tonight their concert is at 7. So much for all the stuff I wanted to get done today! Luke and Mark are in band concerts today--Mark in St. Cloud (about 1 hour away) and Luke in Hudson, WI--also about an hour away. Mark is going to spend the night at a friend's grandparents. Our youth pastor candidate (the old one has been gone for a year) will be at church tonight and tomorrow, but we will be short at least one youth. Well, maybe we can talk about things while raking leaves in the afternoon?????

So, needless to say, my blog posting is late afternoon rather than early to mid morning. I am going through internet withdrawal----or is it sugar withdrawal--or teen withdrawal.........

Maybe we can all catch up tomorrow. Inga spent the night at a friend's and I haven't seen her since 8 pm yesterday. Luke stopped home, and he was with her and some friends today, so I know she's okay.

I've been finding I'm clenching my teeth at night--especially when teens are out past my bedtime (which is whenever they're out). Perhaps I should practice praying instead of worrying.

Till next time,



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