
Saturday, September 25, 2004

All before breakfast

Every morning I walk the dog and sometimes even blog (a rhyme!) before I eat breakfast. I do this mostly to get good blood sugar readings before I eat--in my case, if I take my blood sugar readings right after I exercise, I find my levels are elevated, because my liver is pumping sugar to my body to give my body the sugar it needs to move around. If I wait a little bit, the sugar levels drop a bit and I feel better about my readings and can give myself a more accurate dosage of insulin.

This morning, however, Tim called me on my walk. He needed me to bring him something to a job not far from our house, and as soon as possible please? So, I decided to wait to eat and blog till after I got him the cornerbead he was asking for. After I dropped it off, I remembered that I needed to stop at the pharmacy. On the way to the pharmacy, I saw a sign for our local Farmer's Market. Remembering my sister's blog about her home grown tomatoes, I decided to stop and get some. I asked how much they were, and she said, "two dollars." "Each?" I asked. "Yes," she said. Well, I thought that was high, but I said, I'll take two, and she proceeded to put several tomatoes in a bag. Actually, the cost for the tomatoes was $2 per basket (containing about 5-6 tomatoes). So I paid $2 for a small basket of tomatoes.

I remembered that my sister had written about eating lots of BLTs. I knew there was no bacon in the house, so I stopped at a little food mart nearby. My husband has had a cold, so I decided to pick up orange juice too. In my search for bacon, the store manager came up to me to assist me. "I'm looking for bacon," I said. English was not this man's first language, I could tell right away, and he asked, "Baking? Like baking soda?" Finally I was able to make him understand what I wanted, and when we went to the refrigerated/frozen food case, we only found sausage. No bacon.

Not to be deterred, I went on to the pharmacy (after I bought the oj) and low and behold, they had bacon! Pleased and hungry, I made my purchase and scurried home.

I'm having breakfast as I blog, but I'm saving the BLT (I don't think I have any lettuce, but I can live without that) for lunch. An English muffin should tie me over till noon. Anyway, it's already 10:45........

Till next time,



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