
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Another beautiful fall day

I love driving to and from work along the parkway. In Minneapolis, as I drive south (in the morning) or north (in the evening), I drive along the Mississippi River. Not only are the river and trees pretty, there are other interesting sights along the way.

It's always fun to see who's out jogging or biking, It's not so fun if bikers ride on the narrow parkway road when they have a perfectly nice biking path to be on. But the people and their activities on the way are memorable.

The other day I saw a shirtless man carefully holding a newborn baby. More than once, I've seen a dozen or more people riding those stand-up scooters (I forget what they're called). They must have been in some kind of class or something. In the afternoon, I see kids who must be in cross-country at school chugging down the path. One day I saw a group of long boats (I think that's what those long canoe like boats are called.) It was fascinating to watch them row in unison.

On the parkway, life slows down a bit. I don't mind stopping for pedestrians or bikers who are crossing the road at a cross walk. I don't even mind slowing down for the speed bumps along the river route.

I think it's good for my blood pressure, too. Rather than sitting on a freeway, I'm in the middle of God's beautiful creation, going slow enough to look around and enjoy it.

I hope I'm just as grateful when winter and snow comes, and I'm skating around some curvy areas. But at least I'll be doing it at under 40 miles an hour--and not risking greater injury on slippery highways.

Come, season changes! Minnesota is a great place to live!

Till next time,



Blogger Rodney Olsen said...

That's what I love so much about cycling. You get the chance to slow things down and look at life through a different lens. It helps me take the focus off myself and see God and his world more clearly.

9:52 PM  

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