
Thursday, November 27, 2003

Birthday presents

Today is Thanksgiving, and my birthday as I have mentioned before. I was a little disappointed at the very start of the day--I got to sleep in a bit, but Tim got up first, came back to bed and turned on the TV, flipping through channels. Even after I got up, he didn't say anything till I did. After 20 years, I should know that he is quiet, but not intentionally ignoring me. He took me out to dinner last night and shopping for my birthday walking shoes. He had already bought me an exercise glider and set it up in our room so I can exercise while we watch Everybody Loves Raymond in the evening.

so, I started out for my birthday/Thanksgiving walk. As I went up the street, my friends Bobie and Dale pulled up with their daughter Katie and started singing happy birthday to me!! They were on their way up north to see Dale's parents, and they wanted to drop off a birthday card and a dessert cookbook for diabetics. It was such a nice surpise.

The birds were out singing and I think my insulin was making a difference in the way I felt--somewhat lighter, I think. I took my first shot last night and it wasn't so bad--I went to a diabetes educator yesterday and she was really terrific--very encouraging and positive, just what I needed. Tim was there, too, so it was a good experience for us both.

So, happy Thanksgiving everyone--we are going to have turkey at Tim's brothers at 5 pm so we've got the day to resrt and get ready.

Till next time,



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