
Thursday, December 02, 2004

Cold and dark

This morning it was hard to get out of bed. Here in Minnesota, the days are very short and the nights are long. Some of us trick ourselves into thinking December 21 or 22 is actually the first day of spring, because after that date, the daylight gets longer and longer. The dark and cold make it hard for me to get moving.

But I should probably try to get out of bed and walk while it is still dark. Some people have their Christmas lights on in the early morning, and it is certainly a cheery sight on these dark days. One of my favorite discoveries this year was a house with a little lighted ladder up to the roof. Four stuffed characters are perched on each rung--a snowman on the bottom, an elf, a reindeer, and on the top, Santa himself. Another favorite sight is a Santa clinging to a chimney, with his arms stretched up, hanging on for dear life.

Still recovering from Thanksgiving and now in the middle of installing a heater in the garage, we have yet to decorate for Christmas. But Tim does have the decorations down from the attic, so I think we'll begin very soon. And more than the heat and lights will warm our hearts as we prepare for this marvelous season. The warmth of the love that Jesus gave at Christmas will bring a glow to our spirits--and I think that is reason enough to get up in the morning.

Till next time,



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