
Thursday, August 18, 2005


It's Thursday. I anticipate this day all week, as I'm working Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays is my day to sleep in a bit, to fix lunches for Tim in my pajamas if I want, and to ease into the day.

On this day, I don't set my clock alarm, expecting to wake up "on my own." Well, today Tim got up fairly early and switched on the TV in our room. The volume was down, so I'm sure he didn't think I would wake up, but between the radio and the TV going, I was unable to keep sleeping. However, I stayed in bed for awhile longer.

Tim meanwhile, went into the kitchen to have breakfast and wait for me to come make his lunch. (He left the TV and radio on in case I wanted to get the latest news, I suppose.) Eventually I stumbled out of bed and proceeded to the kitchen. Tim talked about rain and the forecast and how the heavens would open up in our neighborhood in about 5 minutes. I was glad I didn't have to work, so my walk with Raven would be flexible.

After the lunches were made, I decided I'd head out with Rave. I put on my jacket, got out my umbrella, and dressed Raven in his new doggie rain coat. Out we went. It was drizzling a bit--not the heavy rain I was expecting. Raven was dragging the whole way. Finally I relented and took off his rain coat. Freedom! He was free to pee and took a long one (hope this isn't offensive to anyone). He was free to walk and sniff and be himself now that he was rid of that annoying velcro strap on his belly not to mention the waterproof material that stretched from head to tail--including a nice hood tied under his chin.

On our whole walk, we had only light showers. Ah well. I guess it is better to be prepared than not. But next time Tim checks out the forecast on a day I'm off, I hope he'll do it in the living room. That is, unless rain is really coming in and I should jump up and get the walk in before a deluge. But who knows with weather forecasts. It must be the only job you can have where you make miscalculations all the time and people still keep coming back to hear what you have to say.

I calculate that I will be sleeping in tomorrow morning and that Tim will watch TV away from my pillow. Thanks, honey. :)

Till next time,



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