
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Christina's sick

Well, today Christina is home sick. It seems like every week either Christina or Mark is home with some sort of stomach upset or fever or something. It's getting old, but I know there's stuff going around and some people have been sick for days on end, so I shouldn't complain. And Tim and I have been healthy, so we should be grateful for that. Sometimes I think the kids just get run ragged with staying up too late and getting up early, and just every once in awhile they need some downtime. Maybe I'm too soft.

Because Christina's sick, we're not having Christian come over to help with household stuff today. So this is incentive for me to get busy, because there definitely is stuff to be done. I'm trying to resort to Flylady tactics--finding 21 (or is it 27?) things to toss. Actually I tossed two garbage bags full of stuff and I've only scratched the surface.

As my friend Rick says, On we go!

Till next time,



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