Terry invited us out to his boat yesterday. I thought we'd just take a couple of trips around the lake and be done with it, but noooo. Tim jumped in the water, put on skis like he was 16 years old, and got up each of three or so times that he skied. I was proud of him, but a little concerned--he's really not a teenager anymore. He wiped out a couple of times, and today he's sore, but good.
Terry also skied--dropping one ski near the beach so he could slalom around a bit. Then Judd joined us and did some skiing too. I didn't worry about him so much--he's only 27.
Today I am sporting a farmer's tan--just in time for Cornerstone next week! I did bring sunscreen, which was a good thing since Tim didn't bring a hat (we scootered over to the beach, but we decided helmets weren't the best water/boat friendly head coverings.
Another hot day today. I've scootered in the last couple of days, and think I'll try again today. It's really not too hot to ride, a nice breeze is created riding, and you don't work up too much of a sweat as if you were bicycle riding.
Till next time,
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