Saturday is here to stay--well, for one day.....
Saturday is here! I have rested reasonably well, I have walked the dog, and we are enjoying warmer temperatures. Today there are joggers out and about--I think there may be a race coming up, although maybe not for awhile unless it's an indoor race of some kind. Several people traveled in packs, and Raven and I tried to accommodate them as they passed. One jogger even through Raven a dog treat as he passed.
The iPod situation is a bit troubling as the weather improves--my earphones fall out when I remove my hood. I probably need headphones in good weather, and earphones in cold.
Today I hope to get the house cleaned up--it's been awhile since it's had a thorough going-over. I'm also hoping to bake some valentine's cookies and maybe even a cherry pie, since our small group is coming over tomorrow night, and it is valentine's weekend. I remember my mom's cherry pies in February--for Valentine's day and George Washington's birthday. ("I cannot tell a lie. I did chop the cherry tree down."--GW, sometime in the 1700s.
Last night we had dinner at Old Country Buffet, and I had a little taste of cherry cobbler. Now I'm inspired--by the memories of last night as well as my mother's desserts. Look out kitchen, here I come!
Till next time,
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