
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Crockpot on Friday?

Yesterday was another busy day at work, updating the website, and sending out updates on Paul Erickson's condition (see Thursday's blog). The latest news is that he is still on a ventilator, and still hasn't spoken, but he recognized his wife and daughters and was able to squeeze their hands with both his hands. His wife said she has felt the prayers of many and was able to sleep Thursday night for the first time.

I also was working on the finishing touches of our conference newsletter, the Leader, and got that out Friday morning. It's kinda fun, because we have an e-mail service that tracks the responses. By the time I left the office, 25 percent of the church staff I send it out to had opened the e -mail (of course, who knows if they read it.)

After I got home I unwound with the Gilmore Girls. It was Friday, so I didn't have supper on. Just as I was wondering when Tim would get home or call, his cousin Terry called. "What's in the crockpot?" he asked.

Well, I thought Terry and Tim's other employee Christian were coming over to pick up Terry's snowmobile on Thursday after work, so I had a ham in the crockpot then. But Friday night's my night off the kitchen (usually). My response to Terry was "Nothin'."

Mai was home, so we made plans for the four of us to have dinner out (Mark and Christina were off with their own friends.) We decided on Byerly's, and as Mai and I pulled into the parking lot to meet Terry and Tim, I saw Terry--who has been sober for years--wandering from the liquor store next to the restaurant. I called his cell to ask what he was doing in the liquor store. He claims he got lost--Tim has a habit of parking and taking off, leaving any passengers to fend for themselves. We have eaten at a restaurant in the same vicinity as Byerly's on a number of occasions with Terry, so I suppose I can understand his confusion. And he's really a country/small town boy--having grown up several miles north of the Twin Cities.

Anyway, we had a nice evening with no liquor and enjoyed the salad bar. It always reminds me of the salad bar of the little restaurant I worked at on my college campus--The Royal Oak Room. Once a week, we would transform the coffee shop on campus into fine dining--with a salad bar of meats, cheeses, and vegetables. Of course there were other wonderful things on the menu like steak, chicken kiev (I think) and Red Snapper. Unfortunately, college students were terrible tippers so I didn't make a lot of money there.

Turns out our waitress at Byerly's and Mai were acquaintances when Mai lived with us--they both attended the same high school and almost went to prom with the same guy. But that's another story...

Till next time,



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