
Saturday, March 18, 2006

Money woes

It seems like a lot of people are having money woes lately. As a drywall contractor, Tim knows his share of carrying builders' debts--sometimes for months. He is owed as much money as we used to make in a year not so many years ago.

But today, two checks came in the mail, one from a builder that paid for two large jobs. Hurray! Of course, a lot of the money is already spoken for--much of it for materials for drywall.

I'm thankful that during tax season we both have other sources of income, and I have my part time job at the conference office. We have never gone hungry or really needed anything. God is good.

So, we'll keep working and I suppose I should learn a few tips from my tightwad sister. Then maybe someday we can take a vacation and even turn off the cell phones (but not the computers!). Well, maybe not even the cell phones--but it would be nice to get away--especially now as I'm looking at inches and inches of snow and icicles hanging around past mid-March. Ugh! Once spring really comes--the heating bills will go down...

Till next time,



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