
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One week later

It's been one week since my surgery. I'm healing up pretty well--bandaids are off, incisions are healing, and it was time to go in for my blood test for my diabetes appointment next week. I went to the lab at the hospital and hopefully had blood drawn for the last time in awhile.

So, I'm back to the job search. Monday night I decided to check Bethel's website and found two administrative positions, both set to expire the next day. I decided to fill out an application again and sent an e-mail to HR personnel with my resume (again).

I got a call yesterday from HR asking a few questions for a brief phone interview. Then today I got a call from the department asking for an interview. Tomorrow at 10 am I will interview for a position with the Department of World Languages.

I'm hoping my degree from Bethel in cross-cultural communications in addition to my experience with AFS (including hosting 5 exchange students) will be a plus.

We'll see!

Till next time,



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