
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Back to fall

All right, now that I've blogged about how cold it's getting--today we are enjoying warm temperatures pushing to close to 50 degrees! It's been a great day for my brother-in-law and his family to move. We are hoping with all the storage space they have in their new house that we can take advantage of some of that for extra stuff we have that we can't seem to part with completely.

We finally got up our Christmas tree today! It seems that no one else is getting into the Christmas spirit around here. The last few years I've done the tree mostly by myself--but I've at least had to coerce Tim or the boys to help me get it down from the attic and put it up. I tried doing even that this year (well, not the getting down from the attic part) but Tim had to fix the tree as it was tilting dangerously, and some branches were loose (remember this is a fake tree).

Still lots to do around here to make it look like Christmas! I guess I didn't inherit the same gene my sister Cheri has--she's got quite the knack for making her country home warm and festive.

Well, better get back to my post! Next week will be busy, so blogging may be rather sporadic (again--sorry!).

Till next time,



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