
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Best Valentine In The World

Tim is getting The Best Husband of the Year Award for Valentine's Day. Even though we don't see each other that much during tax season (evenings he's working at his mom's, inputting tax returns for her at the computer), he still remembered his undeserving wife on Valentine's Day. Last night he stopped at the store and bought a dozen roses. Today he left early for work, and stopped by my office before I got there to drop off a box of chocolate covered cherries (I shared them with others) and a huge balloon that says "I Love You." I'll have to get a picture of the balloon to post it--the flowers as well. The male faculty that I work with were moaning that now their wives would expect equal treatment. I promised not to tell their wives.

Lunch at work was fun, too--our lead TA (teaching assistant) had a birthday today, and one of the profs bought her a cake. I had invited my friend Pam to join us for lunch, and she had a lighter in her office to light the candles she has. She brought it to lunch and I brought my chocolates. Maren (the TA) was surprised when two profs snuck out to light the cake and came in singing "Happy Birthday" in front of dozens of college students in the Dining Center.

I told Maren, who is single, that I hope her some-day husband (I don't think she has a boyfriend right now) is at least half as terrific as mine, since he will have double duty to perform on her birthday/Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! May you know the love and peace of God and friends today. And here's a cyber hug from me!

Till next time (with love),



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