
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Whattav I got to show for it...

I'm closing up my first week off work, and what do I have to show for it? I've made phone calls about Christina enrolling in Post Secondary Education Options next year, I've gone through mail, I've pondered and thought about the many things I could be doing--I called my doctor's office about getting a note about flying with a pump--oh, by the way, when Cheri and I drive back from Tennessee in two weeks, I'll have her drop me off at O'Hare where I got a $69 ticket to fly back to Mpls.

I did bake some banana bread one morning before it got too warm and turned the air on. I have caught up on Gilmore Girls.

Still, packing & cleaning need to be done. When will I begin? But it is summer vacation, right?

Till next time,



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