
Saturday, December 31, 2005


It's been a good year--one full of change (mostly good). Mark and Christina started their second year at West Lutheran High School, Luke moved in with his grandparents for a time, then bought his own house in October. Luke continues to work in drywall with Tim, even starting his own business (with Grandma and his trusty accountant and Dad helping oversee the day to day stuff). Tim thought about hanging it up with drywall, but several people, including Luke, Mark, Tim's cousin Terry and Terry's roommate John, have come alongside as employees to help lighten the load. Other contractors have helped out too, so it seems Tim's in the mudding business for awhile to come.

I landed my first "steady" job since before Luke was born, working three days a week at the Northwest Conference. The job is a perfect fit for me--working in a small office environment (as I'm accustomed to), editing and writing two online newsletters (using that journalism degree that seemed to be dormant) and learning the new fun world of web page development. Plus I'm in a Christian environment, serving Covenant churches in our region (mostly Minnesota, Western Wisconsin and the Dakotas). My co-workers are great, so life is good. I even got an end-of-the-year bonus!

The kids have gone through teen-age stuff--peer pressure, school challenges, etc., etc., but we're hopeful they will turn out basically unscathed--or at least stronger for facing some of life's difficulties. Luke is growing by learning the ropes as landlord/homeowner. We're pleased with how he's grown (but not physically--he's recently lost 25 pounds!).

Raven has remained a faithful and true companion through our changes. He is a true friend and loyal watchdog. He's coped with our schedule changes--sometimes enduring long days alone if they kids had afterschool activities when I'm working. But we try not to let that happen too often.

Our church plant, the Well, has gone through transitions--moving from a cinema cafe venue to sharing space with a small Mennonite church. There has been a turnover of faces, but we hope that steady growth will continue.

All in all, we're thankful for a good year. We had a wonderful time getting away, but reality hit (Tim at least) way too soon after our arrival. He worked Thursday, Friday, and now Saturday (New Year's Eve). I on the other hand, am enjoying the luxury of being off till Wednesday, Jan. 3. (Although I have been checking my work e-mail...)

Happy new year to all. We thank God for his many blessings and strength through the challenges of 2005. God bless you all in 2006!

Till next time,



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