The Last Week
Seems like I've been writing about a lot of "lasts" lately. May is a month full of good-byes, as I remember from my college and graduate school day. Back then, I hated the good-byes, leaving friends or being left by them, perhaps never to greet them again in this life.
But some good-byes are welcome. Luke is excited to be finishing high school this week--Friday is his last day of class. Christina also finishes school on Friday--celebrating her time at King of Grace with a field trip to Valley Fair. Her eighth grade graduation is Sunday.
Mark will be glad to be finished with school for the summer, but he has finals for a few days next week while his siblings get to loaf (read, help around the house to get ready for Luke's graduation party).
This reminds me of the poem by Ruben Dario--Cancion de OtoƱo en Primavera (Song of Autumn in Spring):
Juventud, divino tesoro, ya te vas para no volver! Cuando quiero llorar, no lloro, y a veces lloro sin querer...
Loosely translated, it says, Youth, divine treasure, already you are leaving never to return! When I want to cry, I can't cry, and at times I cry without wanting to... (It sounds better in Spanish).
So, I'll probably shed a few tears this May/June as I watch our kids move on to the next stage. But I wouldn't want to hold them back, either.
Till next time,